All posts by: Ormai Laszlo Csaba

About Ormai Laszlo Csaba
Ormai Laszlo Csaba graduated from the College of Foreign Trade as an economist. After receiving his bachelor's degree, he began his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Eötvös Lóránd University. Between 1996 and 2007 he worked in the financial sector, including project management, before joining the Cabinet of Ministers of the Ministry of Justice as head of the Company Information Department. At the same time, he was the project manager of the e-company project, which focused on the introduction of electronic company procedures and electronic company registration. During this period, he worked as a consultant in various government projects related to digitalisation and the possible use of AI. In 2021, he became a member of the research group of the University of Public Services, where he is researching the impact of AI and legal technology on individual legal proceedings on and in access to justice, society and the legal industry. He is currently the Head of the Company Information Department of the Ministry of Justice.

The use of Artificial Intelligence in Judicial Work

I.            Introduction The concept of digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are often confused in the everyday language. When we talk about digitalisation, we usually mean the replacement of traditional case management systems supported by paper-based processes and isolated Information Technology (IT) systems with various electronic means, sub-processes and systems that are connected in real time. Online forms instead […]

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